Instructor Plans / Course Descriptions

Criminal Justice

CJSA 2472 75 - Forensic Science II

Attached file: CJSA_2472_75.pdf, 362.5 Kb Download

A forensic science lecture/lab course focused on research in adolescent and adult neuropsychology.

A study of the latest research from neuroimaging related to biological templates for violence within Paul MacLean's Triune Brain paradigm.

Explores the developmental sequencing and powerful illumination of the brain's centers of addiction and the impact of neurocriminalistics, such as brain mapping and brain fingerprinting.

The psychopathology and known offender characteristics will be analyzed and discussed.

Also demonstrated are how forensic specialists analyze mens rea (the criminal mind), MO (modus operandi), signature, and criminal aftermath activity as part of crime scene analysis.

Prerequisite: CJSA 2471.

Semester Hours 4 (3 lec/2 lab).


Suz Baldon View Curriculum Vitae Email