Office Technology, Certificate
- Academic Year: 2023-2024
- Division / Department: Business Programs / Office Technology
This certificate builds on the Office Technology Specialist Certificate, emphasizing advanced computing skills in word processing,spreadsheets, databases, information management, and business correspondence. Students will also learn and apply advanced office procedures in preparation for a mid-level administrative position.
Marketable Skills
1. Communication Skills- Apply basic rules of grammar; utilize terminology applicable to business writing, speaking, and presentations. 2. Teamwork- Work as a team to complete group projects and reach goals by considering different points of view and working with others. 3. Time Management- Develop skills needed to complete tasks and meet deadlines. 4. Critical Thinking- Make decisions and apply ethical standards using creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis of information. 5. Software Integration- Produce documents, spreadsheets, databases, and presentations using Microsoft Office software. 6. Desktop Publishing- Use publishing software to create finished documents and forms. 7. Records Management- Use database software to create and maintain electronic records as well as apply records management theories to hard copy records. 8. Customer Service- Apply principles and processes of customer service, including assessing customer needs, quality standards, and customer satisfaction.
Semester I
POFT 1393 Special Topics: Introduction to Keyboarding
Course Description× POFT 1393 Special Topics: Introduction to Keyboarding Lab Fee: $15.00 Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledges, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency. Semester Hours 3 (3 lec) May be waived if the student has taken a keyboarding course (touch method) or if the student can keyboard at least 30 words per minute. Keyboarding test is required. |
3 hours |
POFT 1309 Administrative Office Procedures I
Course Description× POFT 1309 Administrative Office Procedures I Lab Fee: $10.00 Studies current office procedures, duties, and responsibilities applicable to an office environment including telephone skills, time management, travel and meeting arrangements, mail processing, human relations and interview skills. Semester Hours 3 (3 lec) |
3 hours |
BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications
Course Description× BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications Lab Fee: $15.00 Introduces and develops foundational skills in applying essential and emerging business productivity information technology tools. The focus of this course is on business productivity software applications, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation graphics, data analytics, and business-oriented utilization of the internet. (BCIS 1305 is included in the Business Field of Study.) Semester Hours 3 (2 lec/2 lab) |
3 hours |
POFT 1321 Business Math
Course Description× POFT 1321 Business Math Lab Fee: $15.00 Instructs the fundamentals of business mathematics including analytical and problem-solving skills for critical thinking in business applications. Applies problem solving skills utilizing electronic calculators. Enables the student to use mathematical approaches in computing percents and their applications in business discounts, interest, taxes, payroll, markups, consumer and business credit investments, and other business applications. Semester Hours 3 (3 lec) |
3 hours |
POFT 1301 Business English
Course Description× POFT 1301 Business English Lab Fee: $10.00 Introduces the practical application of basic language usage skills with emphasis on fundamentals of writing and editing for business. Students will apply the basic rules of grammar, spelling, capitalization, number usage, and punctuation; utilize terminology applicable to technical and business writing; develop proofreading and editing skills; and teaches how to write effective sentences and paragraphs for business applications. Semester Hours 3 (3 lec) May be eligible for articulation through the statewide ATC program. See your high school counselor. ENGL 1301 Composition I Course Description× ENGL 1301 Composition I Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis is on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus is on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communication, and critical analysis. Note: ENGL 1301 is a pre-requisite for all 2000-level literature courses. Prerequisite: TSI complete in Writing or the equivalent. Semester Hours 3 (3 lec) |
3 hours |
15 hours |
Semester II
ITSW 1301 Introduction to Word Processing
Course Description× ITSW 1301 Introduction to Word Processing Lab Fee: $15.00 Presents an overview of the production of documents, tables, and graphics. Identifies word processing terminology and concepts; creates technical documents, formats and edits documents, uses simple tools and utilities, and prints documents. Presents pagination, merge and storage of documents. Semester Hours 3 (2 lec/2 lab) |
3 hours |
ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications I
Course Description× ITSC 1309 Integrated Software Applications I Lab Fee: $15.00 Introduces business productivity software suites using word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and/or presentation software. Semester Hours 3 (2 lec/2 lab) |
3 hours |
POFT 1349 Administrative Office Procdures II
Course Description× POFT 1349 Administrative Office Procdures II Lab Fee: $15.00 Provides an in-depth coverage of office procedures with emphasis on decision-making, goal setting, management theories, and critical thinking. Prerequisite: POFT 1309, Administrative Office Procedures I with a grade of C. Semester Hours 3 (3 lec) |
3 hours |
POFT 2331 Administrative Project Solutions
Course Description× POFT 2331 Administrative Project Solutions Lab Fee: $15.00 Advanced concepts of project management and office procedures integrating software applications, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Prerequisites: POFT 1393, ITSW 1301,and POFT 2301 Semester Hours 3 (2 lec/3 lab) |
3 hours |
ARTC 1313 Digital Publishing I
Course Description× ARTC 1313 Digital Publishing I Lab Fee: $15.00 Introduces the fundamentals of using digital layout as a primary publishing tool and the basic concepts and terminology associated with typography and page layout. Students learn to apply fundamentals of page layout, define typographic terminology and specifications, import text and graphics into page layout programs, and the course discusses file formats and file management. Prerequisite: ITSW 1301 with a grade of C or better or approval of the Program Director. Semester Hours 3 (2 lec/2 lab) |
3 hours |
15 hours |
Total hours: | 30 hours |